In my last blog post - March 22 blog post - I said I’d be listening to see what was said about the personal needs allowance (PNA) for people getting residential supports from DDS. So I was surprised (and pleased!) to learn, in DDS director Andy Reese’s budget briefing yesterday, that the mayor’s proposed FY24 budget includes $745,000 to allow DDS to increase the monthly PNA from its current level of $100 to $150, starting in October 2023. The increase is intended to make up for 15 years without any cost-of-living increase in the PNA. He also said that DDS intends to ensure, beginning in January 2024, that the PNA will receive the same annual cost-of-living increase that the Social Security Administration makes in its yearly January SSI payments.
This was astonishing news! But remember – this is a proposed budget, and as Colby King reminds us in his Washington Post article today, Colby King on DC budget, DC is even more under the Congressional microscope (thumb) than usual. It’s important to come together as residents and responsibly express our priorities for the life of our future state(!) in DC council hearings. Particularly in light of the many empty downtown buildings, DC cannot count on the level of resources it has enjoyed in recent years, so we have to be selective and targeted in what we advocate for. For this reason, I will tell you transparently that I can’t favor the DC council’s push for free bus service at this time – I fear a sweeping change like that will come at the expense of other lower-cost, but very important priorities. (I say this as someone who initially favored this move, when it seemed we would continue to run substantial surpluses.)
You may not agree with my views, and that’s okay! Take a look at these:
and then sign up to testify on Wednesday: March 29 signup. The hearing is on Zoom, so you can participate from home, or from anywhere! Or if you can’t testify “in person” (on Zoom), then plan to submit written testimony.
Advocates will be testifying about the personal needs allowance, making sure DSP wages are increased to the agreed 117.6% of the DC living wage, ensuring that wait times for DDA applications aren’t keeping newly-eligible applicants from getting services, promoting affordable housing and employment for DC residents with disabilities, and more. Your voice is essential to make sure the views of people with disabilities and their supporters are clearly heard!
And one more thing: This coming Thursday, March 30, the day after the budget hearing, DDS will host (at 250 E St SW) the final program in a full month of Developmental Disability Awareness Month (DDAM) events - DDAM March 2023. There will be an art show/sale from 3-4, then the program from 4-6. And this year, Mayor Bowser herself will be in attendance, so be there if you can, to show her our enthusiasm and determination!
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