It’s been just over four years now since I began this blog
(see “Why I’ve Started this Blog,” August 11, 2014). This is my 100th blog post. So I would have hoped to write an upbeat,
celebratory essay – but I can’t. The events
of the past few months have been too difficult.
Difficult times can be learning experiences, though, so I want to try to
share what I can.
My son receives supports under D.C.’s intellectual
disabilities (I/DD) waiver, but he has multiple disabilities. He’s complicated, and throughout his life
with us we’ve struggled to get him the best available services and supports. We made the choice when he was about to turn
18 (he’s now 25) not to seek guardianship, and we don’t regret that
decision. Our son is independent in many
ways, even though he has a lot of trouble making decisions and understanding
the implications of decisions he does make.
He has signed powers of attorney which enable us to be helpful, always
in close consultation with him. In most
instances we’ve functioned in the way the District’s new Supported Decision Making
is supposed to work, except that he may sometimes say he doesn’t want to be
involved in a meeting or that he wants us to sign something because it’s more
convenient. (Fortunately, he’s grown
more and more willing to act on his own behalf so these cases have become
Recent events have caused members of his support team to
take very different viewpoints about his disabilities and motivations. We’re used to such differences of
opinion. What did come as a surprise,
though, was when the head of a DDS implementing agency asked why, given his
difficulties, we hadn’t sought guardianship.
I was flabbergasted; DDS representatives were silent. Unfortunately, in this and other ways, rather
than admit to shared challenges, systemic problems, and failings by all members
of the team, the approach taken has been to pressure and point the finger at the
“natural supports.”
This points to something that I think should concern all my
readers, especially those advocating for their family members. I believe in the District’s move toward
supported decision making, and I’m sure it’s going to mean better outcomes for
people who have not had any supports outside of DDS and provider agencies. Yet our recent experience points toward a troubling
tendency. It’s far too easy, and far too
common, for agencies and organizations to make life hard for individuals. This happens all the time, and usually to those
who don’t have as much time, resources, and experience as we do. Human services agencies need to guard against
this, and individuals – people getting support, and sometimes their supporters
– often need extra help when it happens. My page, “Organizations and Acronyms you
Should Know” (you can click on it over to the right) lists some of the organizations
that can have your back in these situations.
In the end, though, it’s up to DDS to curb this behavior