I wrote recently (https://www.ddinwdc.com/2019/10/put-november-21-onto-your-calendar.html)
about various advocacy meetings taking place this month with respect to the
Department on Disability Services (DDS), as well as a broader visioning effort
that the Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) will be organizing later in
the year.
Project ACTION! was rightly in the forefront of the meeting
on October 10 concerning follow-up on cancellation of the Georgetown contract and
ensuring advocacy groups are not blindsided about future such decisions. While I had characterized this as a meeting
to plan a protest, in fact the meeting (at which I was not present) covered many
other options, and there will be other upcoming discussions to narrow and
prioritize the choices.
In response to criticisms leveled at DDS over recent months about
inadequate consultation and communication, last Friday DDS director Andy Reese convened a
meeting of the heads of several organizations including Project Action!, the
Georgetown University Center, ULS/Disability Rights DC, Quality Trust, the
State Rehabilitation Council and the DDC.
This was a wide-ranging discussion, touching on such issues as why the
many meetings DDS now holds are not leading to productive two-way
communication, what specific challenges DDS is facing with respect to the
structure and cost of the current home and community-based (HCBS) waiver, and
how to begin structuring better consultation mechanisms. DDS is doing some internal work on these
issues after which Andy says he’ll be following up on this session.
The two meetings described above represent efforts toward
reaching across the current divide that became so apparent over the
summer. However, in my last blog post I
also mentioned DD Council plans to convene the first of a more far-reaching series
of visioning meetings – focused on getting a better picture of the entire D.C.
disability community in all its diversity and reimagining what true community
integration should look like. At the DD
Council public meeting on NOVEMBER 21 – KEEP THAT DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR – you’ll
hear something about our plans for this series of meetings, but for now we’ve
decided we need slightly more time for planning - so the first visioning meeting will not take
place that day. While planning continues,
and with a view toward starting to reach beyond the usual participants, you
could be helpful by sending Alison Whyte, the DDC executive director, contact
information for any local cultural and linguistic groups that may not normally
get represented in our disability meetings, so that we can build the best
contact list possible: that email is alison.whyte@dc.gov. (The DD Council is a federally-funded and
federally-mandated board that is housed in the D.C. Office of Disability Rights
but is not part of the D.C. government:
see more information by going to “Acronyms and Organizations You Should
Know” under Pages, to the right of this post, or here: https://www.ddinwdc.com/p/blog-page.html.)
And now a word about the DSP salary legislation, B23-214,
that received a hearing in the D.C. council’s human services committee in
June: https://www.ddinwdc.com/2019/06/a-fair-deal-for-direct-support.html. If you’ve been alert you will have noticed
articles on this topic in the Northwest Courier (https://nwc.news/) and Street Sense (https://www.streetsensemedia.org/)
lately. My understanding is that this
bill will be progressing through the D.C. council in the coming weeks, so weigh
in with your council members – see https://www.ddinwdc.com/p/members-of-d.html
or click on the “Contacting the D.C. Council” page over to the right to get
contact information. And incidentally,
if you get a chance to see the film “Invaluable” about the role of direct
support professionals (DSPs), as I did with other friends at the Arc national
convention last Saturday (https://www.ddinwdc.com/2019/10/film-saluting-direct-support.html),
make sure you grab the opportunity next time!