We needed more disability advocates at the budget engagement
forum with the mayor at UDC last night! The folks who get the most attention are the
ones who show up in matching T-shirts and spread out across all the tables.
I know many of you had turned out for the February 18 forum
on Franklin Street NE, and hopefully more of you will be at the final one
tomorrow morning at the Kenilworth rec center (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mayor-muriel-bowser-presents-the-2020-budget-engagement-forums-tickets-89658337501). I saw Andy Reese, DDS director, and Alison
Whyte, DD Council executive director, there, but it’s important to have a
groundswell of determined advocates who can make a lot of noise! I've heard there was an overflow room - maybe you were there and I missed you?*
I made my views known about funding the DSP bill (see more
at http://dc-coalition.org/) and about
expanding eligibility for DDS disability supports to people with autism and
other developmental disabilities (https://www.ddinwdc.com/search?q=expansion),
both at my table and in a direct conversation with the mayor as well. I was pleased that our issues made it into my
table’s priorities and I found new allies in colleagues who care about early
childhood education and immigrant rights, but I would have liked to hear other
tables reporting out more on disability-related issues as well. I was tweeting furiously the hashtags #FundtheDSPWageAct
and #DDeligibilityDC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DDeligibilityDC?src=hashtag_click),
and I appreciate those of you who retweeted or liked my @DDinWDC tweets (https://twitter.com/DDinWDC). Let’s keep the groundswell going!
*Thanks to Ian Paregol from the DC Coalition, who was apparently at a neighboring table, and also thanks to others who've let me know they were redirected to overflow!
*Thanks to Ian Paregol from the DC Coalition, who was apparently at a neighboring table, and also thanks to others who've let me know they were redirected to overflow!