I’ve been pretty distracted by national issues lately, and
by the potential effects of the election on our city. But the beat goes on, and there are many
upcoming events you should be aware of.
Here are a few, and all are open to the public without RSVP unless
otherwise indicated:
Wednesday, February 15,
10 A.M., Room 412, Wilson Building.
The new chair of the council’s human services committee, councilmember
Brianne Nadeau, will preside over the DDS performance review (http://dccouncil.us/events/performance-oversight-hearing-human-services)
on Wednesday of this week. Andy Reese
will testify for the first time as DDS director. This is the “season opener” for the 2018
fiscal year budget, looking backward at DDS’ performance. Over the next couple of months DDS will be
developing its budget, and sometime in April the committee will hold a
forward-looking hearing on that.
While you’re downtown for this on Wednesday, you can also make
it to DC Vote’s Lobby Day on Capitol Hill:
Thursday, February 16,
3:00 P.M., Conference Room 1114, 441 4th St. NW (Judiciary Square). The D.C. Developmental Disabilities
Council (DDC), also known as the Developmental Disabilities State Planning
Council, will hold its first meeting of the new year this Thursday:
Saturday, February 18,
10 A.M.-1 P.M., Kennedy Institute, 801 Buchanan St. NE. On Saturday Project Action will hold its
monthly meeting until noon, followed by pizza and a seminar on alternatives to
guardianship led by Quality Trust attorneys.
Wednesday, March 1,
4:30-7:00 P.M., Momofuku Restaurant, 1090 I St. NW. And on the subject of Quality Trust (https://www.dcqualitytrust.org), QT will
hold its annual Better Together reception - tickets $45.00 for an outstanding
cause, great eats and wonderful company – on the evening of March 1st.
Friday , March 10,
10:00-2:00 P.M., Walter Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place
NW. “Voices of Change” conference on
secondary transition - requires preregistration: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07edo5sz1gbbae7d13&llr=7r5atidab).
Thursday, March 16,
9:30-3:30, place to be determined. Supporting
Families Community of Practice. Subjects
will be new employment initiatives and (back to those national issues) ways in
which Medicaid might be affected over the next few years.
This spring promises to be busy. We in D.C. need to stay aware and active in
these uncertain times. Disability rights,
and D.C. rights, are human rights. Let’s
be ready to protect them.