Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Some Good News for the New Year

This will be brief, and is certainly my final post of 2024!

I didn't want to let the year end, though, without confirming that our favorite DC council staffer, Sebastian Weinmann, wrote last week to say that DDS will remain under the jurisdiction of the council committee chaired by his boss, councilmember Janeese Lewis George.  At such a challenging time for the DC budget, and for DC more generally, this continuity is very welcome.

As you celebrate the turn of the year, add to your list for early 2025 a plan to testify at the DDS performance review hearing, to share your experience with DDA, RSA or both, with DC councilmembers.  As for me, I also plan to testify at the DBH performance review, since that department also has profound influence on persons with disabilities in DC.

The coming year will require courage and determination from all of us - so get ready!

Friday, December 6, 2024


It’s hard to realize that I haven’t posted to this blog since mid-October.  Strangely, though, as I check websites that I would normally rely on for updated information, I find that they also have fallen behind.  Oh well, it’s been that kind of fall (now feeling like winter).

The last time I wrote, I was looking forward to the DC council hearing on the Psychiatric Institute of Washington and other psychiatric facilities, which took place on October 28.  Unfortunately, the nature of the hearing was somewhat different from what I had expected, and in spite of conversations I had had with Christina Henderson’s staff, barely a word was breathed about people with disabilities who may find themselves in any such circumstances.  Here is the written testimony I submitted after the hearing.

Like many of you, I was rattled by the election result and am concerned about what it could mean for DC.  We already need to be concerned about the state of the FY 2026 DC budget, and the election puts things even more in question.  I also had very sad family news which slowed me down even further in November, but am trying to put myself a bit more into the holiday spirit.  A wonderful holiday party last night, sponsored by Health and Joy, was a great start, although traffic from the lighting of the national Christmas tree caused problems for some of the attendees!

A good opportunity to see fellow advocates before the holidays are upon us, and to think ahead to 2025, will come when Project ACTION! holds its periodic in-person meeting downtown on December 14 – contact Tiffany Yuille to RSVP.  

As you prepare to testify at the DC council’s upcoming performance review hearings - just two months from now - something you may find helpful is the new “Civics Download” that the exclusively DC-oriented news source The 51st is making available - sign up for their newsletters, and make a donation while you’re there if you can – we want to keep this source alive as we head into uncertain times.

See you in the New Year, or (maybe) before!