You should have your eye on this Friday, March 13 for two
· One is the deadline for public comment on the proposed
D.C. transition plan for compliance with the federal rule on home and community based waivers:
The DDA transition plan for the I/DD waiver is a part
of this document, and the DDA plan is what I talked about in my blog
on November 24. This is your opportunity
to comment before the full plan is submitted to the federal government. There was a public comment session last month,
but there wasn’t much advance notification.
More information on the federal rule itself can be found at
Send written comments on D.C.’s proposed
transition plan to Trina Dutta at the D.C. Department of Health Care Finance, 441
4th St. NW, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001, or email
comments to the email address
This plan is going to affect you or your
loved one, so it deserves attention.
· Also, March 13 will be the next session of the
Supporting Families Community of Practice, taking place at DLA Piper, LLP, 500 8th Street NW
from 9:30 to 3:30. This session will be focused
on supported decision making (SDM), an important alternative to formal
guardianship ( As I
mentioned in my blog “Organizations You Should Know” last month, D.C.’s own
Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities recently received a competitive
HHS grant to develop a national resource center for supported decision-making. The head of the Quality Trust, Tina Campanella, will attend the Community of
Practice meeting on Friday to talk about and field questions about supported
decision making. I don't know yet whether there will be a dial-in or other remote option for participating in the
session, but if I learn there is I’ll share that information.
Attend the Community of Practice session on Friday if you
can, and if you have comments on D.C.'s proposed transition plan – last chance! only three days! – send those comments by the
13th too.