On April 27 Thomas Silverstein of the Lawyers’ Committee
for Civil Rights Under Law (https://lawyerscommittee.org/)
spoke before the D.C. Autism Society about a report the Committee is working on
concerning equity and discrimination in D.C. housing. The Committee has worked with other public
housing authorities in the country to identify key issues and make
recommendations on the housing front, but this is the first time they have
tuned their attention to Washington, D.C.
Although the report’s focus is broader, there will be a chapter focused
on the specific challenges of people with disabilities. That chapter will look at: trends in the numbers of people with
disabilities in D.C.; issues of accessibility (in the broad sense, not just
physical); and finally, broader issues of community integration. The report is being done under a consultancy
to the D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), but will
treat issues that go beyond DHCD’s direct responsibility.
After the Silverstein presentation, there was a lively
conversation centered on the personal experiences of people in the room, most
of whom have family members receiving supported-living services from DDS. This group is a small subset of the people
whose situations the Lawyers’ Committee will be looking at, but the same high rents
that are leading DDS to move people to Prince George’s County obviously have an
effect across the board of forcing people out of D.C. In addition, we discussed problems with
set-aside units in new developments, including developers’ minimal efforts to
advertise these units and difficulties some DDS providers say they have had in accessing
such apartments for people they support.
One attendee also called attention to Sedgwick Gardens, the less-than-successful
effort at community integration on Connecticut Avenue that has been written
about in the Washington Post: https://tinyurl.com/yy58h4yd.
The report will be available for public comment in two to
three months and the Lawyers’ Committee plans to loop back to all the groups
before whom they have presented. I’m
hoping to get the Committee to the next public meeting of the D.C.
Developmental Disabilities Council, on May 16, 3-5 p.m. at One Judiciary Square
(here’s the flyer: https://tinyurl.com/y68g77bq). All are welcome, and I hope some of you also
will be there!
Carol Grigsby shares information and advocates on issues
affecting her own son and other citizens with developmental disabilities in
Washington, D.C. She is currently chair of D.C.'s State Council on
Developmental Disabilities, as well as serving on the board of the
Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities and on the Family Support
Council of D.C.'s Department on Disability Services. She retired from the federal government’s
senior executive service in 2011 and has lived in D.C. since 1978. Find her tweets @DDinWDC!
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