Friday, January 3, 2020


I hope that each and every one of you has had a happy turn of the year, and I wanted to let you know right away about some updates to information I provided in my last post of 2019, only days ago:

-          First, AAPD’s presidential forum on disability, previously scheduled for January 13, has been postponed:  Further news to come.

-          Second, bill B23-0214, the Direct Support Professional Payment Rate Act of 2019, is going to be considered by the full D.C. council even sooner than anticipated.  Its first reading and initial vote will take place this coming Tuesday, January 7, with a second vote to come later in the month.  Even if it passes the council and is signed by the mayor, though, there is a chance it will go unfunded by the administration.  Deputy mayor Wayne Turnage ( will be the one to contact once the bill is passed, to make sure the funding is there.

And the New Year is underway!  Welcome to 2020!

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