There are a lot of important things happening right now, and
I want to keep folks up to date:
First, the correct date for the DDS budget hearing is Monday, April 18 at 10 a.m.: I apologize for broadcasting a different date earlier ("As Budget Time Approaches," 3/14/16). So brush up that testimony and have it ready by April 15!
Second, there is a new hearing on the Evans lawsuit scheduled for April 20. I don’t yet have the details but will communicate them when I do.
And finally, Laura Nuss has been persuaded to remain in her post through April 22 (not April 8 as she announced) in order to accommodate these two extremely important events. Bravo!
First, the correct date for the DDS budget hearing is Monday, April 18 at 10 a.m.: I apologize for broadcasting a different date earlier ("As Budget Time Approaches," 3/14/16). So brush up that testimony and have it ready by April 15!
Second, there is a new hearing on the Evans lawsuit scheduled for April 20. I don’t yet have the details but will communicate them when I do.
And finally, Laura Nuss has been persuaded to remain in her post through April 22 (not April 8 as she announced) in order to accommodate these two extremely important events. Bravo!
The Evans status hearing is at 3 PM at the US District Court, courtroom 23A. ( Erin